About EcoSlice

The Facts
Independent tests have demonstrated that Ecoslice is environmentally friendly and has no wastage compared to traditional dry ice. With the global push for the aviation industry to decrease their carbon footprint we have seen unprecedented interest from domestic and international airlines, airport CEOs and private jet owners.
EcoSlice has taken all the benefits of dry ice, removed the negatives and developed a product that is taking the industry by storm.
The Proof
Through years of development and independent testing EcoSlice has perfected the ideal manufacturing process to deliver a safe, non-toxic and biodegradable dry ice alternative, perfect for non-powered refrigeration.
The Future
EcoSlice is the future of non-powered airline refrigeration, as it cools faster, for longer, is environmentally friendly and has no wastage compared to traditional dry ice.
Ecoslice has potential growth in the following industries:
Medical Transportation
Ecoslice could be used to transport body parts, organs, biological samples, vaccines and blood from one medical facility to another. The medical field may also use Ecoslice to transport pharmaceutical supplies like medicines and supplies that are temperature sensitive.
Food Transportation
Ecoslice may be used to ship perishable food long distances. Ecoslice can also be used to store food in supermarkets and restaurants. A growing industry is transporting pre-packaged meals and food for delivery direct to the customer.
There are multiple uses for Ecoslice for camping, travel, parties and sporting events to replace every day usage of ice.
Food and Product Temperature Inside Food Galleys

Ecoslice is the future.
Why would you use anything else?
Schedule a meeting with EcoSlice today!